A young and petite lady, Stephanie Chong founded Dr. Renov after accumulating over 20 years of experience in the construction industry. In an interview with Top 10 of Malaysia, the bubbly Chong shares about her background and exciting journey in establishing the company and her vision in creating an educational platform to raise awareness about the industry to her customers. 

As a young lady, Stephanie Chong was continuously looking out for potential job opportunities until she met her mentor who encouraged her to pursue a career in the construction industry.

“The knowledge that my mentor imparted to me will never be forgotten. My mentor mentioned that as contractors, it is important for us to handle and complete every assigned project in a professional manner rather than just dealing with tasks in a superficial way,” says Chong gratefully. “Possessing in depth knowledge in the area of construction is also vital as this will determine our level of professionalism. Therefore, we are required to monitor all tasks from various angles.”

With encouragement from her mentor, Chong established her company, Sugilite Enterprise Sdn Bhd in 2009 and her brand Dr. Renov was founded in 2018. “During that time, customers would address me as “Doctor Home”. This inspired me to take on the name, Dr. Renov for my brand. Dr. Renov provides comprehensive services in renovation and our customers have full confidence on our services,” says Chong. 

Dr. Renov provides three stages of service coverage which are design and renovations, maintenance and safety inspection.

“As compared to hiring a conventional contractor, our clients benefit greatly from our cost-effective solution with services that are conducted professionally with high quality results,” says Chong. 

“Possessing in depth knowledge in the area of construction is also vital as this will determine our level of professionalism.”

Chong also has intentions to build a platform to provide a wide range of technical and education skills to the public relating to construction and renovation based on her experiences. 

“We are currently working to set up a one-stop education platform that covers from theory to practical,” says Chong excitedly. This will reduce the risk of preventable problems such as water leakage, construction, and renovations defects. Therefore, we would need to educate our customers on the methods of property inspection. As we would like to achieve a more comprehensive educational platform in 5 years, I would like to encourage related parties and individuals to join and contribute to it.”